Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I've been working on some new christmas stuff for my etsy store! Just wanted to share!! You can check it out at! Thanks!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just a little pet peve....I hate when the crafters of the world come out with awesome ideas...and then the "industry" starts making that VERY same craft!!!!

The "industry" can sue over copyright...but what are the HANDMADE crafters supposed to do!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I am working on some really cute christmas tags so, keep checking my etsy store!!

Thanks so much for all my etsy buyers!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

6 Degrees of Blogging!!

You know how you go to a website and then from there you click over to anyother website and then another and before you know have stumbled on to something great! It's like 6 degrees of BLOGGING!!!

Anyway, the end result was this awesome Music Artist...Jeremy Kay. Maybe you've heard of him, but this was my first time!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


To add to my cupcake I purchased a Wilton decorating tip kit so my icing will look pretty.:) And I couldn't resist the giant cookie heart pan from Wilton too. My kids will love making a giant cookie!

I have had my eye on the crushed velvet flock by doodlebug designs. It looks so fresh and fun! So today with coupon in hand, I bought the variety pack which has 12 awesome colors!! I can't wait to use many ideas, so little time.

As I am wondering down each and every isle, checking all sale items and making sure I don't miss something. I had looked at the cuddlebug/Provo craft display several times. But I had been in the store an hour and a half and I was ready to check out...but wait...I just happen to see that cuddlebug has embossing borders...!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my cuddlebug machine and I use it mostly to emboss cards, But the BORDERS are awesome, they came 5 folders in a package for only $6.99!! Needless to say I grabbed the "Frills" embossing borders and heading to the check out. Plus I got to use my Gift card I got for Christmas!! It was a great shopping day!


So today, after work, I decided that I JUST HAD to go to Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Joanns....I had coupons about to expire!! I was actually on the hunt for chipboard coasters, but I couldn't find them!! AHHH!! However, I did find these great items at Michaels in the DOLLAR BIN!!! Too cute notecards with envelopes, 4 tiny paper pads with my kiddies initials on them, 4 tiny clear cupcake stamps (if you have been keeping up on my blog you know that I'm cupcake crazy), and a circle cupcake rubber stamp! What a deal ALL items were only $1!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Linda

Today is my mother-in-laws birthday!! Yes, she is the one in the pink jammies!! hehe
You can send her a birthday email at :)

Scrapbooking Deals!


Through my Paper Crafts emails, there was an advertisement for cheap scrapbooking supplies. The catch is you have to visit everyday and see what they are offering. Check it out!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

From Muffins to Paper!!

As you can see...I've been on the baking craze for the last month, so I thought I would post my lastest paper creations. This is a notebook that I covered with some of my favorite scrapbook paper! If you have had any of my kids in class, you may have gotten something like this as a gift! If you are looking for a gift to give you can check out my etsy store at or email me if you want something customized!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Muffin Mania!!!

I'm not sure what the deal is, but I have been in a baking mood FOREVER! I purchased the 6 cup giant muffin pan from Wilton at Michaels last week. Yesterday I made a slew of muffins....I got several recipes from I had to double the recipe and I BARELY had enough batter for the "Giant" one. So I mixed up another regular batch and made the regular size muffins too.

I made a quick trip to DG for some crisco and found Martha White Blueberry Muffin Mix for $1.00!! How I purchased 2 packages of the blueberry and strawberry! Those I made using my "newly acquired" (my mother in law gave to me) mini muffin pan!

So let's review mini muffins, regular muffins and GIANT muffins.

Monday, February 9, 2009



I am so into cupcakes right now...stamps, paper and the real thing too! I have been wanting to make cupcakes with my girls for weeks now! So Sunday after church we did! I had strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate with chocolate chips. As for the icing...vanilla with confetti, CHERRY, and chocolate! Just mixed and matched! I made about 60 cupcakes and it was a blast! Except when Presley had an allergic reaction to what we think was the confetti pieces! Nothing that a quick Benedryl didn't take care of! Here are some of the pictures of our fun!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I just recently started a facebook hours you connect with friends you haven't seen or heard from in 20 years!!! One of classmates posted a picture from prom our junior year....geez...where did the time go???